The Benefits of Solid Backing for Vinyl Underpinning in Manufactured Homes

Because of their affordability and flexibility, manufactured homes are becoming increasingly popular, and, just like any home option, they also need certain maintenance to keep up their value and durability over time. One of those maintenance practices is the home’s vinyl underpinning, or skirting, and how adding a solid backing to the underpinning can improve the home’s stability.

What is vinyl underpinning?

On a manufactured home, vinyl underpinning is a series of vinyl panels that enclose the base or crawl space to hide the home’s structural elements and foundation, insulate the home, and protect the home against pests.

How does solid backing help the vinyl underpinning?

The firm material installed behind the vinyl underpinning is solid backing, which adds even more support and protection. Common materials used for solid backing are wood, foam board, or strong insulation panels to provide:

  • Better insulation to improve the home’s thermal efficiency and help reduce heating costs.
  • Better ventilation to allow for proper airflow, which also helps reduce moisture, rusting, and mildew under the home.
  • Enhanced durability to protect the vinyl underpinning from severe weather conditions.
  • Pest and animal prevention to protect pests from nesting, chewing, or damaging wiring or the insulation itself.
  • More curb appeal, rather than vinyl panels that are sagging or buckling. Skirting with a solid backing enhances and personalizes the home’s appearance.

What are the benefits of vinyl underpinning?

Out of the materials used for underpinning (poured concrete, stucco, brick, cinder blocks), vinyl is the most popular material for manufactured homes because they are:

  • Easy to install
  • Affordable
  • Attractive, flexible styles
  • Mildew- and rot-resistant

Adding solid backing to a manufactured home’s vinyl underpinning can also have financial benefits. Lenders and insurance companies consider this home improvement as reducing risk and protecting against environmental impacts, which means more favorable loan terms, lower insurance premiums, and an improved appraisal because of the home’s enhanced value.

These upgrades can be a wise investment for homeowners looking to refinance or sell, preparing for a new loan, looking to lower insurance costs, or wanting to protect their investment. If you need an appraisal, contact our professional appraisal team to schedule an appointment at 843-808-1533.










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